I like Bryan Adams---enough. I usually gravitate towards the bad boys or unicorns, but became an absolute BryAd fangirl when I watched him deal with a bonkers sitch on stage in Salt Lake City a couple of weeks ago. . First of all WTF Salt Lake??? I thought Salt Lake City was a dry city. Anybody who grew up before the 90's understands the concept of 'dry' counties still living under Prohibition. In fact, someone on the phones schooled me that the county in Kentucky where Jack Daniels is distilled is dry--you can make it there, you just can't buy it. But, turns out Salt Lake, for all of it's conservative influences isn't, and that's where a rando somehow bullied himself up on stage with a snootfull during the Bryan Adams concert, and took the mic during the beginning of Summer of '69. He's now famous for being the one guy who couldn't hold his liquor at a Bryan Adams concert, but Bryan is the ultimate show man in that he stood back, waited patiently for the drunk guy to blurt out the beginning of the song, then stepped up when the mic was clear and busted out the rest of the verse to howls of applause and laughter with the entire house singing along. EPIC!! I learned something from that video. There are a lot of 'rock stars' who can't handle anything amiss during their shows. We've seen them throw hissy fits, yell at audiences (I'm lookin at you Aaron Lewis, Steve Miller and John Mellancamp) or hit the exits in a huff. But Bryan Adams cool as cucumber water...may just be the most entertaining and professional musician of our time. Fangirling OVER!!