Ready or not..I'd wager we're less ready than we think for the Flying Bike. By the way, a bike? What happened to the Flying Car? But It's cool that at last, after years of impractical attempts at flying vehicles, Aero Auto's Sean Borman thinks the time is right, because it's uncool that we sit for hours and hours in traffic jams when we could just wing between work and home. Although, still unanswered questions like: What kind of training will average commuters need to 'fly' their car or in this case bike? Can we for real live in a Jetson's world without mid air crashes that rain down on terrestrial drivers below? How will they handle in bad weather? Do you just land in a parking lot then lock it and go? And what if you run out of battery in mid-air. We've been waiting to fast forward to the time when we all know how to handle flying cars, but I'd wager there will be some awkward periods in between. BTW, the pilot is Detroit Fire Captain James Davis, who himself rides a motorcycle to work and did a fine job on the piloting, but retires in two weeks, so he won't need to take the flying car or bike to work. Thanks for your service Buddy!