To quote Axl Rose, "Thanks for the lame ass security, I'm going home!" Although that steamy hot Summer day at Riverfront Stadium in St Louis Missouri 1991, the peevish Mr Rose was miffed that fans were taking his picture before he wallowed into the front rows, beat up the fan photographer and some security guards until his crew pulled him back onstage at which point he bellowed the now infamous words: "Well...Thanks for the Lame Ass security, I'm going home!!!" and punctuated it with the mic drop heard round the world. Smash cut to this past weekend in Toronto. This time the security guard was chasing an interloper who'd weaseled his way on stage during 'Rage Against The Machine's' police brutality protest song "Killing in the Name Of". After a season of audience members crashing performances with intent to cause violence ie Will Smith, and that guy at the Chapelle show in California, taking no chances, the guard accidentally hip checked Tom Morello nearly off the stage. Tom went down, Zach de la Rocha, who didn't see Morello hit the boards at first, put the brakes on with a few WTF's and everybody waited to see if Tom was hurt. He was not! Neither was his guitar, he got up to thunderous cheers, strapped it on and they launched into 'KITNO' from the top. As they launched into it, the dips$#t in the red tee shirt was perp walked far too gently out of there, skipping joyfully like he'd just completed a tackle in a Lion's game. Was it because it was Canadian security? Nicer than US security? Or did they refrain from beating that guy's ass in front of everyone, because..well... because of the song that the band was playing? Or are Rage more conscious of the incendiary nature of the world and decided to shrug it off? Let it go? Possibly even Axl 2.0, the friendler sober Axl would have let this one slide. And that's evolution folks. By the way, the video is NSFW, but if you're a Rage Against The Machine fan, it's nothing you haven't heard.