It's the biggest parade in the Midwest and according to Dave Rubello, the organizer of the St Clair Shores Memorial Day Parade, possibly the biggest in the nation. Which is why I was delighted to be invited!!! I talked to some WLLZ listeners who live on the East side who have fond memories of going as kids with their mom and pops, a testament to how long they've been dedicated to putting together this event, an epic 69 years. Some crowd size estimates, since crowd size is such a huge deal, put St Clair Shores annual Memorial Day Parade at 85K. My West Side Story of Memorial Day Parades has never quite measured up to that one. So, lets all hang out together as we honor the fallen by standing together for what they fought for!!! Catch ya there, Sunday, May 29th at 1p, I'll be riding on the back of a convertible with a boom box tuned to Wheels!!!