So, Sting's joined the rock version of WWE's Monday Night Raw by calling his fellow rockers out as jabrones. A story from MOJO (the rock mag not the guy in the studio next door) proclaimed that Sting has declared the Stones and AC/DC too old to rock n' roll. In a sort of shamey interview, he said,"..i don't think any grown man can be in a band, actually" Yes, he's one of those 'actually' guys. But go on, Sting, "A band is a teenage gang. Who wants to be in a teenage gang when you're knocking 70? It doesn't allow you to evolve." Why, thank you Gordon Darwin Sumner!!! His main beef seems to be that the Stones and AC/DC are in an infantilized state, permanently frozen at the time of their lives when rockin' and f**in' were payoff for sweatin' your asses off wailing on drums and guitars. Aside from the obvious, that Sting is 70 and threw down an album just last year, though apparently is too evolved to do publicity. That's so Sting!. HE also re-tracked and released his greatest life's work, Police songs, a few years ago to increase the bass tracks' volume and presence and secure songwriting and production profits for himself, although Gary Graff puts it more delicately in this article in 2019 from Billboard: He's also in the enviable position to then sell his entire songwriting catalogue for $300 million. And AC/DC ain't poor and it goes without saying that the Stones aren't lacking for every possible thing they could ever want. But, Sting forgets how music is therapy. How songs relate to something within us. And depending on where we are in life, songs are meaningful in different ways showing us the way back from break-ups, loved ones lost for ever, fails. Music gives us the strength to continue. And seeing the Stones was not just a show, I got separated from my party at that show at Ford Field, but finding my way into a random row, I was surrounded by friendly faces all beaming at the experience of the 'old guy gang' on stage. Anyway, easy for Sting to come at those guys, whatever his mythology, tantric sex or just bare foot zen, he seems eternally in his mere 50-'s. Stop The sting, Sting. Making a headline for disparaging your colleagues minimizes you. Here's one Trudi who will still love you anyway. Listen to him when he was trying to understand "Russians".