September 5, where they introduced Emily Armstrong as the new co-lead vocalist. “You hired your friend of many years, Emily Armstrong, to replace Chester… knowing Emily’s history in the church and her history as an ally to Danny Masterson,” he wrote on Instagram.
“You quietly erase[d] my father’s life and legacy in real time… during international suicide prevention month and refuse to acknowledge the impact of hiring someone like Emily, without so much as a clarifying statement on the variety of victims that make up your core fan base,” Jaime continued.
He went on to criticize Shinoda, explaining, “You betrayed the trust loaned to you by decades of fans and supporting human beings including myself. We trusted you to be the bigger, better person. To be the change. Because you promised us that was your intention. Now you’re just senile and tone-deaf.”
“I will be attending the 9/11 show,” Jaime also revealed in an Instagram story. “For now with tickets bought by a supporter. Still waiting on Linkin Park and MGMT to acknowledge me. While attending the show please do not harass me or my partner. Respectfully, we are attending for closure. For acknowledgement. I’m grieving.”
After weeks of teasing, Linkin Park revealed Armstrong as their new singer. They also released a new song, ‘The Emptiness Machine,’ from their upcoming album. Armstrong joined the band after Bennington’s death in 2017. While many fans are excited, some are worried about Armstrong’s past connections to Scientology and her previous link with convicted rapist Danny Masterson.
“Several years ago, I was asked to support someone I considered a friend at a court appearance, and went to one early hearing as an observer. Soon after, I realized I shouldn’t have. I always try to see the good in people, and I misjudged him,” Emily responded to the criticisms on Instagram.
She added, “I have never spoken with him since. Unimaginable details emerged and he was later found guilty. To say it as clearly as possible: I do not condone abuse or violence against women, and I empathize with the victims of these crimes.”
As of now, Shinoda and the band have not responded to Jaime’s comments. While Jaime starts a war against the band, Chester’s widow, Talinda, supports Linkin Park’s comeback with Emily. She showed her approval on Instagram by commenting with a heart and a fire emoji.
Photo: Getty Images North America