Do you care about singers using backing tracks at live shows?

It's tough for singers to hit those notes night after night especially as they get older so it's not uncommon now for singers to use backing tracks to sing to. Gene Simmons always said Kiss would never use backing tracks at their live shows or do they? During a recent show in Belgium, a video shows Paul Stanley away from the microphone yet the audience can still hear him singing. Ooops. Didn't Milli Vanilli get drummed out of the business for lip syncing? That was then, this is now. Technology is so advanced no one can tell the singer isn't singing, Unless of course you miss your cue. You've bought the ticket to see a live performance, is it really live or just partially live? I'm obviously not a lawyer but does the venue have an obligation to tell you backing tracks are being used? I think some fans don't mind the illusion as long as they can see the band in person. It's certainly a way for bands to continue to make money that no longer have a singer who can deliver. Do you care?


Photo: AFP

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