I've been to Jack White's record pressing factory and it is really cool. Jack owns his own label Third Man Records and started printing his records and other bands too years ago before the vinyl resurgence really took hold. Now because of the growing popularity of vinyl Jack is asking big record labels to start their own pressing factories as well. He has a good point, it takes companies months to get albums out often as the momentum of a song is waning which affects the amount of money that bands could be making off their albums when the songs are hot. Don't forget the record companies get a cut of that too. New factories also mean more jobs. There is no doubt that Jack White is an entrepreneur and a visionary. I hope he can convince others with his success to jump back into the world of vinyl where the real sound is. https://www.detroitnews.com/story/entertainment/2022/03/14/jack-white-urges-major-labels-open-vinyl-pressing-plants/7037553001/
Photo: Courtesy of Jack White