On their Facebook page, ZZ Top reflected their sadness about the Dusty Hill t-shirts, which are currently being sold on the Internet under the title of ‘RIP Dusty Hill, Thank You For The Memories.’ They emphasized that it is an illegal and unauthorized sale because they would never try to gain money off their beloved friend and bandmate’s death.
“ZZ Top, its representatives, and the family of Dusty Hill have become aware of unauthorized merchandise being sold on the internet purporting to celebrate the memory of Dusty Hill (‘RIP Dusty,’ ‘Thank you, Dusty’ etc.). Please be aware that neither the band nor Dusty’s family has approved the sale of any merchandise or promotions connected to Dusty.
It is sad and unfortunate that many people are trying to ‘cash in’ on Dusty’s untimely death. Please know that no monies generated by these bogus goods are paid to the band or to Dusty’s family.
It is our hope that all of you who cherish Dusty’s memory and love this band will honor Dusty by refraining to purchase any of these bootlegged goods. We further hope that you will inform others of this inappropriate and illegal behavior.
Please know that ZZ Top will pursue all available remedies to put a stop to the sale of unauthorized merchandise relating to Dusty Hill or ZZ Top. We are saddened by our loss and will protect Dusty and ourselves to the fullest extent of the law.
We appreciate all our fans and hope you will work with us to prevent this outrageous and illegal conduct.”
In addition, ZZ Top asked their fans not to buy these illegal and unethical products. Furthermore, they declared that both they and Hill’s family will file lawsuits against the brands milking Dusty Hill, whose death devastated everyone around him.
Photo: Getty Images North America