Roth left Scorpions six years before ‘Love at First Sting’s release in 1984. ‘Rock You Like a Hurricane’ appeared in this album. He admitted that he has issues with the song’s lyrics, explaining:
“Well, I can’t stand the lyrics, but I think it’s a great classic rock riff. I mean, that’s really quite something to write a riff like that. It’s unforgettable. So, yeah. Bravo, Rudolf [Schenker].”
The interviewer also asked about any changes he would make to the song. Roth was clear that he would prefer different lyrics. Still, he believed his guitar lead would complement the song well.
In an October 2023 chat with Eonmusic, the guitarist talked about his life and mindset during the 1980s. The Scorpions rose to fame in the U.S. without him in this period. He revealed how he felt about the band’s success:
“It all passed me by because in the ’80s, I was in my own creative bubble in the south of England near Brighton, and I didn’t take much notice of what was going on in America and with the corporate rock scene. I heard the Scorpions were successful, but I didn’t really follow up on any of it.”
Roth left the Scorpions in 1978 and founded the hard rock band Electric Sun. The band released its debut album, ‘Earthquake,’ in 1979. He then shifted towards classical music in the mid-1980s.
In a chat with Loudersound, the musician opened up about why he decided to leave the band. He remembered their good moments and progress together but left to pursue his music with Electric Sun. Roth felt his new music didn’t fit the Scorpions’ commercial style.
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