Michigan Bakery Serves The Best Cake In The Entire State

Chocolate cake

Photo: Moment RF

Life's batter with cake.

What is your favorite kind of cake? Do you prefer to indulge in red velvet cake with cream cheese icing, or are you all for the classic chocolate-on-chocolate combination? Do the best cakes feature ice cream and fruit, or do you prefer cakes filled with creams and topped with cookies? While there are many flavors and variations of cakes to choose from, one bakery in each state is known for serving the sweetest treats around. With this information, you can absolutely have your cake and eat it too, especially at this one-of-a-kind bakery!

According to a list compiled by Eat This Not That, the best cake in all of Michigan can be found at Cakes By Stephanie located in Monroe. Eat This Not That recommended trying the Chocolate Ho-Ho for its delicious "homemade ganache."

Here's what Eat This Not That had to say about the bakery that serves the best cake in the entire state:

"When locals voted on their favorite bakeshops, Cakes By Stephanie took the number one spot. The chocolate ho-ho was named as the standout item thanks to its homemade ganache."

For a continued list of bakeries that serve the best cake across the country visit eatthis.com.

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