Michigan Restaurant Serves The Best Classic Burger In The State

The Signature Cheeseburger at Swizzler-The 10 best burgers in the D.C. area

Photo: The Washington Post

Where’s the beef?

Apparently, it's in Michigan! It is no secret that Michiganders enjoy a good, classic burger, as there are plenty all-American restaurants scattered throughout the state. With a burger joint existing around every corner, how does one pick the best of the best? 

According to a list compiled by LoveFood, the best classic burger in all of Michigan can be found at Ground Round located in Dearborn. This classic hamburger is praised for its simple single-patty design among other desirable attributes. LoveFood mentioned that the restaurant itself has not changed one bit since opening its doors 82 years ago.

Here is what LoveFood had to say about the best place to order a classic burger in the entire state:

"This no-frills joint hasn’t changed at all since it opened in 1941. The single-patty Ground Round is served with or without cheese, stacked with pickles and onion on a simple soft bun. The much-loved burgers are then wrapped in squares of waxed paper and patrons sitting at the bar still order on the honor system, simply telling the bartender what they had before they pay and go, just like in the old days."

For a continued list of the best places to order a classic burger across the country visit lovefood.com.

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