Four days after Mount Clemens officials reluctantly announced the annual Santa Parade had been cancelled, the holiday procession is back on for Saturday, Nov. 20..
A new committee stepped up over the weekend to provide the most critically-needed element — volunteers to march in the event, carry banners, and help with other details. Two new chairpersons with a background in organizing events are now lending on board.
Thomas Barnes, executive director of TCB Youth Mentoring, and Michael Karpinski, owner of Pops Sweets An’ Treats retro candy shop, said they decided to get involved after hearing about the cancellation. Both said the parade represents a decades-old tradition for children and families in the community.
The parade usually features a television news reporter or local celebrity as grand marshal, along with a variety of marching bands, elected officials, service clubs, clowns, floats and other festivities, all capped by an appearance from Santa.
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