Official RONNIE JAMES DIO Documentary Is Almost Ready

"I'm going to see the first cut of it next week, "Wendy said (as transcribed byBLABBERMOUTH.NET). "They're coming out, and I'm seeing the first cut next week. We are hoping to get it out in '22 — well, it will come out in '22, for sure. Absolutely… [The filming] is done. They're coming in to let me look at it before it goes to edit. And I'm very excited about it, actually —veryexcited."

As for what fans can expect to see in the documentary, Wendy said: "There's a bunch of stuff from [old] Super 8 [tapes] and some other stuff. There's fantastic interviews with all kinds of different people about when they were working with Ronnie or what they were doing at the time, maybe supporting Ronnie. It's totally different to the [recently released Dio] book. And I'm very interested to see this cut. I'm excited, actually, to see it. And I think it's gonna be great."

Heaven & Hell Play Melbourne

Foto: Getty Images AsiaPac

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