Drew Digs Detroit

I saw 'Whip It' at the movies. And many times since. As an inline skater, somewhere in there lives a fantasy about being good enough to fly around an oval track with wheels on my feet and plow a fellow skater into the turn while wearing a tutu and satin jacket!! Back when Drew Barrymore got to turn that fantasy into a paycheck here in Detroit, in typical Drew fashion, she explored beyond the movie sets and discovered the city.I heard they hung ot at a trendy Ferndale Bar, the 8Ball in AA and she shouted out The Majestic. And all this was before the Detroit's rebirth, too. But she told 'In Style' magazine this month that she loved it here, had a blast exploring the city and the berbs and even had time to thrift shop a vintage red Detroit News T-shirt which she just wore on the cover of that popular fashion mag!! My city hyped from the glossy cover of a 'zine I love to 'read' and on the body of a Charlie's Angel no less!! And a person who also skated..like ME!!! ME ME ME, it's not all about me, but dunno if you've ever experienced that sense of being in the middle of something that's happening. It's like when the Chili's sing about Michigan, or Jason Mamoa hangs out in Ferndale and how i have AC DC and an admiration for Audis in common with Robert Downey Jr. Drew digs the D!!!! She's seen and recognized our cool. Anyway, fangirl raving aside, i noticed all of this on twitter when the Detroit News seemed surprised by the random nature of their old T showing up in a national mag. Quick recovery though. Apparently you can now acquire one just like Drew's wearing and proceeds go to a Detroit School scholarship program. Oh, and there are Badass Women Tips in the video. Have a blast this weekend. I'm out.

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