You'd be surprised what classic rock albums people bought last year

There's was only one new album by a classic rocker that made it into the top 200 albums bought last year, Ozzy's 'Ordinary Man'. However, Queen's 'Greatest Hits', AC/DC 'Back in Black' and GnR's 'Appetite for Destruction' all made it in, not to mention a slew of other well worn albums. Are people buying new copies or are new generations discovering some of the greatest rock ever recorded? I have an opinion on what are the best albums of all time, but I can't win a $500 gift card to Village Vinyl in Warren, you can.... Vote for the WLLZ Vinyl Four and then we'll play the victors on the air. Remember when stations used to play entire albums? (I only did when I fell asleep at work, ooops)

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