NIN Homecoming In Cleveland

Not your typical family reunion, unless your fam is very dark and judgment, but this was the reconvening of all the former members of Nine Inch Nails in the town where they first formed. Cleveland. Not a fan of Cleveland, although most of the best concerts I went to as teenage Trudi were there, but this was special. Trent Reznor invited all the guys: Chris Vrenna, Danny Lohner, Charlie Clouser, Atticus Ross, and Richard Patrick at Blossom Music Center (which is their version of Pine Knob). The former NIN'ers croweded up during the replay of 'The Downward Spiral' and the special treat of the night was a gritty, industrial flashback via Patrick's "Hey man nice shot" from Richard's former band Filter. They all happened to be in Cleveland for a live Q&A at the Rock n' Roll Hall of Fame even though not all of the original lineup were inducted. No bad blood, everybody had a great time.

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