Wait! Who's That Behind The Drum Kit With Pearl Jam?

It's a pretty cute story, actually. Aside from the fact that Matt Cameron had to call in sick from the Pearl Jam gig in Oakland Friday. Suddenly, a newbie drummer named Kai Newkermans from Mill Valley appears to save the show! High School opportunist and Pearl Jam fan, Kai heard they were gonna have to scrub the gig, so he pulled a hail mary and phoned in to volunteer. Turns out Kai had somehow kept Eddie Vedder's "Daughter" Olivia's phone number from meeting her back in 2018. Texted Olivia who hit her dad up with the idea. Vedman contemplated it, but needed to see proof, naturally. So Kai skipped school to make a video of his skills. For Kai, the craziest leap of faith landed him the gig. They called him up from the minors and kept the Oakland date. Unfortunately for Sacramento and Las Vegas, there were no ballsy upstart high school drummers to keep Pearl Jam from cancelling the rest of it's tour on account of Covid .Check out the story: https://abc7news.com/pearl-jam-drummer-matt-cameron-covid-kai-neukermans-oakland-2022/11854996/

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