Jack Russell called a murderer in Great White documentary

Jack Russell, lead singer says this documentary is a tribute to the 100 people who lost their lives Feb 20th in 2003 at a Great White concert in Rhode Island. The cause of the fire were the pyrotechnics used by the band which set the walls around the stage on fire and resulted in an incontrollable blaze that the crowd could not escape. Just thinking about this makes my blood chill when I think about how many clubs I saw bands in and watched them set off pyrotechnics without a second thought to my safety. A girlfriend of mine who sang in a rock band through the 80's said she watched several near misses with their special effects but no one ever questioned it. Sadly sometimes it takes a tragedy for changes to take place. Now there are all sorts of regulations when it comes to stage effects and clubs that will allow pyrotechnics on their stages. The documentary "America's Deadliest Concert: The Guest List" covers all this and is now out on Reelz. Jack Russell said it was difficult to hear some people call him a murderer but he feels the movie had to be made. My thought is the band wanted to tell their side. Whatever the reason, this night should never be forgotten and now it won't. https://www.blabbermouth.net/news/jack-russell-says-it-was-difficult-for-him-to-hear-people-calling-him-a-murderer-in-documentary-about-great-white-concert-fire/

Photo: Getty Images North America

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