Brian May Of Queen Has Close Call With Forest Fire

The pandemic aside, 2020 is one year that Queen guitarist Brian May would want to forget anyway.

Following, in order, a torn muscle in his backside and a heart attack, a forest fire came within a mile of his home last week in the English countryside.

Writing on his website, May says, "I never imagined it could happen here in leafy, and normally damp, Surrey, England.

"We supported the fight against the immense fires in Australia, and watched sadly as fires ravaged California, but to see this happen in my own home county has been shocking and traumatic.

"[Saturday], I was rescuing as many precious things from my house as was practicable, under threat of the whole thing going up in flames, but praying that the horror would not happen. [On Sunday] my prayers were answered - the fire is under control, but the danger is not over. While this dry heatwave lasts there is still a massive risk of a flare-up leading to disaster."

Brian also has a home in London, which is where he has been spending the bulk of his time during the pandemic.

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